Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Journal #15

Using the same method of italicizing as before, make sure your vocab words you want credit for are accentuated.

What would be the absolute worst job to have as a career and why?


Becky said...

The absolute worst job to have would be a plumber. The smell of human waste makes me nauseous. I can use a plunger to unplug a toilet but even sometimes that gets to me. The thought of wading through a sewer frightens me. I can just imagine pulling myself through the poop-filled water as i feel water seeping into my rubber overalls.
Television gives the impression of a plumber as a horrible job and I'd believe it. I think of rats floating on the trash in the sewers in the big cities. I give major credit to those who are plumbers. It takes a lot of courage to deal with other peoples' waste. Without them we would probably have broken sewers and poopy water over flowing our streets.

jjj0diii lllea :) said...

The worst absolute job as a career would be to be a maid. I wouldn't like to do it because I hate listening to people and taking orders. Having people nag on you 24/7 would really just tick me off! If they weren't happy with the way I clean or cook then they can do it themselves. Most of the time maids work for rich, snotty people and probably get paid very little. Maids have to clean up after families and if the family has children I bet it's a very dirty job. But, on the other hand it would be nice to work on a home that was very fancy and massive. I'd like the part where I would get to meet glamourous people and possibly celebrities. Even so, I still wouldn't want to be a maid because I would be the one who wanted to hire a maid. Someday I will be rich and famous and hire an illegal immigrant that can't speak English to clean my house and cook me food.

Logan said...

I think the worst job to have would have to be the person who is responsible for cleaning up crime scenes. It would be disturbing to go into a house or some other place where a murder took place and have to clean it up. I image some of the people that clean up crime scenes get so upset after seeing those kinds of things they need therapy.
I don’t think I could handle cleaning up crime scenes in which somebody was killed. If your job dealt with death and crime I think it would be depressing to see how some people in society behave. Some crime scenes would be too gruesome for me to cope with because of the nature of the crime committed.
There are very few aspects of the job that I would actually like. I imagine cleaning up a crime scene is very profitable because there are very few people who would actually be willing to do so. After cleaning up a crime scene in somebody’s home I bet the people who cleaned the crime scene up feel good about themselves because they know that they have saved the family from having to deal with it. At the end of the day I still think it would have to be one of the worst jobs to have.

Jake K said...

The worst job to possibly have would have to be being a porta potty clean up person. This is because you could never PRESAGE what you would see everyday. This job would not be SERAPHIC. Even though you would be getting paid a PITTANCE. There is so many nasty things you would see and find in those things. A person such as myself would be so disgusted and teffified to do this job everyday. After being there for so long, I guessed it wouldn't be so bad but it would be so gross. Just people's waste products, huge pieces of crap. Sometimes toilet paper can clog the pipe and you have to reach inside the pipe to dig it out. EWWW!!!! This would be the worst job ever to have a career for.

RS said...

The worst job ever would have to be sucking sewage. You would never be able to PRESAGE about what your day was going to consist of. You might be running all over the place sucking sewage and using a lot of gas.
Some of the equipment that you would have to use to suck the sewage would be RESTIVE. Such as the hoses that you would put down the hole to suck the sewage into your truck. Your truck would probably be covered in poop due to your hoses coming unhooked and poop flying everywhere even getting on you. You'd probably never be able to get a hot date because they would know that you handle poop.
Your PITTANCE however would be fairly good since there really isn't anyone in their right mind that would want to do this job. Everyone would look at you funny when you drive by because they know what kinda cargo you have on board. No one would run into you or anything and you'd have the right away all the time cause no one would want to get into a wreck with a sewage truck.

bk said...

I have a great obeisance for teachers. Unfortunately, I would never be able to become one. Teachers must have amazing patience, which is something I lack. They must also like kids. Teachers have a way of looking at their students and seeing seraphic beings. I could look at the same bunch of students and see little demons full of iniquity. Most kids are loud, obnoxious, and rude and I would dislike having to deal with them every day. I would also dislike getting a pittance after all the extra hours of hard work I would do. I would also really detest being surrounded by people that believe sports are more important than education. Finally, the biggest reason I would never become a teacher is that I don’t want to be stuck in high school for the rest of my life.

ck said...

There are many jobs that I would never to work at or have as my permanent job for life. There are many things more then just the job itself that could affect the job to be the worst job ever. For example if your boss is very rude, you have to work long hours, and if you get along with your coworkers. There are many more then these examples it just depends on what kind of job you like.
The job I would most likely hate to do for the rest of my life would be a rancher. I know considering where I live I should be use to it and I should like it at least a little bit but I hate it. I think the worst time to be a rancher would be during the winter time. You have to go out and check cows three to four times a night and that doesn’t include if a calf is born and you have to bring it to the barn because it’s snowing out. Sometime a calf will have to be pulled and that is not very easy. When it blizzards out you still have to find a way to get to the cows and feed them hay.
There are many other reasons why I would hate to be a rancher for example the hours would not be very fun and it would depend on how many cows you have on your operation. I’m sure there are worse jobs out there but since I really haven’t experienced many other jobs this one would have to be the worst job to me.

Jordan Kunz said...

Fairly soon, I will be heading out into the real world. The time has come for me start thinking about what I want to do with my life. While I have given lots of thought to careers that interest me, little thought has been given to what I don’t want to do. This assignment has forced me to think this way.
After much consideration, I have decided that the job I would enjoy the least would be a computer programmer. The first reason behind my thinking is that I know very little about computers and have very little interest in the field. Not only would it require me to do tons of research, I wouldn’t even enjoy it in the first place. Second of all, I have a lot trouble sitting still. It is my estimation that computer programmers spend a great amount of time sitting in a chair. This is simply not my style. I would much rather spend my time on the job site moving around and going from place to place. Finally, I would not make a very good computer programmer because computers often frustrate me. This would result in me not having very good relations with my co-workers. I have decided that it is best for me to choose a career other than this.

Unknown said...

In my opinion the worst career would be a plumber. Having the occupation may be an amenity to some, but for me it would be extremely unpleasant. This statement may cause dissidence in the readers, but I am fully prepared to back up my case. I believe this, because of the conditions one must work in and the lack of job satisfaction.

A plumber spends his days unclogging pipes stuffed with unwanted material that God only knows how long it has been in there. The last thing I want to do is pull a slimy chunk of someone else’s hair out of a pipe. Also, when working, a plumber is most generally hunched over underneath some sink; hints the “plumber’s crack” plumbers are infamously known for.

Not only do the conditions make this job so undesirable, but also the lack of satisfaction from a rather repugnant job. I know that at the end of the day I would not feel a sense of pride by going home from work and talking with my husband about how I spent my day clanking on pipes.

To me, a plumber is a rather ill reputed career choice. It will definitely not be one of my top picks after graduation this year.